We offer a variety of hosting packages to suit the specific needs of any website. Below is a feature comparison chart, showing all of our available packages, their costs, and their offered features. Additional web space and e-mail accounts are available as add-on packages, which are also listed below. If you are unsure of your needs, please contact us.

  Intro Basic Advanced Professional Enterprise Colossal
Per month $6.95 $14.95 $19.95 $29.95 $39.95 $99.95
Disk Space 2 MB 10 MB 50 MB 100 MB 250 MB 1 Gig
POP3 Accts 1 10 50 100 unlim. unlim.
Forwarders 0 5 20 40 unlim. unlim.
Mail Groups 0 1 2 4 8 16
Auto Responders 0 1 5 10 unlim. unlim.
Web Users 0 1 5 10 20 unlim.
MySql Database 0 1 2 4 8 16
Secure Server N/A ,Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional
PHP & CGI Scripting N/A ,Optional ,Optional Optional Optional Optional
FrontPage Access Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional
Server Side Includes (SSI) Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional
Apache ASP N/A Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional
Custom Error Messages N/A Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional
Raw Log Files x ,x x x x x
Detailed Stats N/A ,Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional

x - Included with package

Intro Package    2MB
Your website address: http://www.yourcompany.com***
2MB Space
Unlimited FTP Access
Direct high-speed T1 connection to the Internet
1 POP Email (you@yourcompany.com)
Unmetered Bandwidth*
Monthly Website Hosting Fee: $6.95
Yearly Payment Website Hosting Fee: $79.95

Basic Package    10MB
Your website address: http://www.yourcompany.com**
10MB Space
Unlimited FTP Access
Direct high-speed T1 connection to the Internet
Supports most major formats & scripts
Unlimited access to Webalizer Reports (requires an initial $25 setup fee)
3 POP Email (you@yourcompany.com)
Up to 5 Email Forwarders
Unmetered Bandwidth*
Monthly Website Hosting Fee: $14.95
Yearly Payment Website Hosting Fee: $169.95

Advanced Package    50MB
Your website address: http://www.yourcompany.com**
50MB Space
Unlimited FTP Access
Direct high-speed T1 connection to the Internet
Supports most major formats & scripts
Unlimited access to Webalizer Reports (requires an initial $25 setup fee)
5 POP Email (you@yourcompany.com)
Up to 10 Email Forwarders
Unmetered Bandwidth*
Monthly Website Hosting Fee: $19.95
Yearly Payment Website Hosting Fee: $229.95

Professional Package    100MB
Your website address: http://www.yourcompany.com**
100MB Space
Unlimited FTP Access
Direct high-speed T1 connection to the Internet
Supports most major formats & scripts
Unlimited access to Webalizer Reports (requires an initial $25 setup fee)
10 POP Email (you@yourcompany.com)
Up to 20 Email Forwarders
Unmetered Bandwidth*
Monthly Website Hosting Fee: $29.95
Yearly Payment Website Hosting Fee: $349.95

Enterprise Package    250MB
Your website address: http://www.yourcompany.com**
250MB Space
Unlimited FTP Access
Direct high-speed T1 connection to the Internet
Supports most major formats & scripts
Unlimited access to Webalizer Reports (requires an initial $25 setup fee)
20 POP Email (you@yourcompany.com)
Unlimited Email Forwarders
Unmetered Bandwidth*
Monthly Website Hosting Fee: $39.95
Yearly Payment Website Hosting Fee: $469.95

Colossal Package    1 Gig
Your website address: http://www.yourcompany.com**
1 Gig Space
Unlimited FTP Access
Direct high-speed T1 connection to the Internet
Supports most major formats & scripts
Unlimited access to Webalizer Reports (requires an initial $25 setup fee)
Unlimited POP Email (you@yourcompany.com)
Unlimited Email Forwarders
Unmetered Bandwidth*
Monthly Website Hosting Fee: $99.95
Yearly Payment Website Hosting Fee: $999.95


Standard Features
All VirtuaWeb packages include the following features in addition to the ones listed above:

  • Yourname.com (registration required)
  • Control Panel access
  • 24/7 Server Monitoring
  • 24/7 FTP Access
  • Unlimited technical support
  • FrontPage extensions
  • Unmetered bandwidth usage*
  • Raw Log Files

If you can't find the perfect plan from above, you can add blocks of web space, blocks of e-mail accounts, or extra features. This allows you to customize any package to match your needs. You can add as many of these as you like to any account.

Extra 10 Megs Extra Disk Space $2.00 / month
Extra 5 POP3 Accounts $5.00 / month
Extra 20 Mail Forwarders $5.00 / month
Extra 5 Auto Responders $3.00 / month
Extra Mailing List $3.00 / month


Reseller Program
Refer friends and business associates to VirtuaWeb hosting and receive money back on your current website hosting! Receive $10.00 off your hosting account for every referral. Referral customers must sign up with VirtuaWeb for a minimum of two months with VirtuaWeb.

Other Services
In addition to web hosting, we offer a selection of other services, ranging from website design to dedicated servers. Check out our Services section for more information on these offerings.


* VirtuaWeb considers unmetered bandwidth not to be unlimited bandwidth.  We do not meter a site's bandwidth usage unless we notice that our bandwidth is being seriously overused.

**Domain Registration is a separate fee. Please go to our Domain Registration page for further information.