
Network Monitor
Network Utilization Graphs
UNIX web server status

Our network consists of 5 servers designed, configured, and tuned specifically for their tasks.  The servers are all connected to their own dedicated 10meg switched ports, keeping our network "clean".  All of our equipment is located in our very own server room at our co-location provider that we have 24 hour access to. 

We have some older pictures of our facility.

OS: RedHat Linux 6.0
Purpose: Primary web server
Details: AMD K6-2/400, 128 megs RAM, 10 gigabytes total storage.   Running Apache 1.3.6, ProFTPd 1.2.0, and a variety of software and scripts written in-house for administration.

OS: Windows NT 4.0
Purpose: Web server
Details: AMD K6-2/350, 128 megs RAM, 6 gigabytes total storage.   Running IIS 4.0.  Was our "everything" server until mail and DNS were moved off of it recently.  Currently only serves clients who need NT for ASP, SSL, or ODBC.

OS: Slackware Linux 7.0
Purpose: Primary DNS Server
Details: AMD K6/2-500Mhz, 128 megs RAM, 1.2 gigabytes total storage.   Running BIND 8 for DNS services.

OS: RedHat Linux 5.2
Purpose: Network Monitoring and Secondary DNS
Details: Intel P166MMX, 64 megs RAM, 6 gigabytes total storage. Running BIND 8 for Secondary DNS, Big Brother 1.3a for network monitoring/paging, and MRTG for bandwidth monitoring.

OS: MacOS 8.6
Purpose: Mail server
Details: iMac revision B, 32 megs RAM (planned upgrade to 128), 6 gigabytes total storage.  Running SIMS mail server, Typhoon Pro, Quid Quo Pro, and custom mail administration software.