
FrontPage Extensions
Our NT server fully supports the FrontPage extensions, making it easy to publish web content and add interactive features to your website. The FrontPage extensions can be added or removed from your own personal administration area.

Online Administration
Although not completed yet, we are developing a user administration area, allowing you to add/remove/modify e-mail accounts and forwarders, frontpage extensions, cgi programs, log analysis, and other features, all instantly on the web.  The e-mail account portion of the administration area is currently available.

Log Files
Each account has one month's worth of raw log files saved for you to use in any log analysis program you wish.  Or, you can activate our built-in log analysis from your administration area.  For a sample of our log analysis output, please click here.

Choice of High Speed Servers
Our clients hosted on high speed servers, custom built by the VirtuaWeb staff for use in our datacenter.  New clients are by default created on our high speed UNIX servers.  However, if you prefer NT, we have an NT server available to meet your needs as well.

Big Brother Monitoring System
Our system is constantly monitored. If any of the services go down, an administrator is paged immediately so that proper action can be taken to ensure minimal downtime.

Impressive internet connectivity
Our network is connected to the internet via the UUNet internet backbone. UUNet is one of the largest and most reliable backbone providers available. We have two separate high-speed lines going to two separate UUNet facilities in different cities. This offers added bandwidth and reliability.

CGI Programs
VirtuaWeb offers various pre-installed CGI programs and scripts to make your site more interactive, including a guestbook, a chatroom, a message board, and a form mailer script.   These scripts can be added and removed from your own personal administration page.

Full e-mail support
VirtuaWeb can provide you with e-mail accounts under your domain name. For example, if your website is located at www.widget.com, you can have sales@widget.com, webmaster@widget.com, help@widget.com, billing@widget.com, and info@widget.com These can be forwarded to another e-mail address or stored in an entirely separate e-mail account! We are very flexible and willing to work with your particular e-mail needs.